The ROSA Diversion Program, which stands for building Resiliency through Opportunities & Success for Adolescents, is a diversion program created in partnership with Washington County in 2021. The program has two coordinators who will be receiving referrals directly from the Washington County schools and the Washington County Juvenile Department. The primary purpose of the program is to prevent juvenile crime. The program is in partnership with Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center who will also have coordinators receiving referrals.

Our Values (ACCESS)
The key to advancement for all Latino children and youth
The empowerment, leadership development, and active engagement of Latinos in the decisions that affect their lives.
The organization and integration of Latino communities as a catalyst for equity and social change.
The commitment to excellence and results
The continued connection to our rich histories, languages, and diversity.
The power of multicultural, multi-generational, and cross-sector partnerships
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