Much of what makes up student success happens outside the classroom. A student who is healthy and lives in a stable home is much more likely to succeed when the school bell rings.  SUN stands for Schools Uniting Neighborhoods and it is our goal to support school-aged children and families to make sure that the future is in good hands.

SUN Community Schools offer:

SUN Community Schools offer opportunities that support healthy child and youth development and family stability. At SUN Community Schools, the collective efforts of youth, parents, businesses, faith communities, libraries, and community organizations create a network of supports that ensure youth academic success and that communities thrive.

Extended day learning opportunities for students

Family engagement opportunities

Links to resources such as utility, rent, food, mental health

Food Programs

Latino Network runs six food programs within our school sites. All programs are open to the community and eligibility requirements are not needed. Simply fill out an intake survey on your first visit (given in multiple languages and any client can decline to respond to any questions on the survey).

  • Cesar Chavez K-8: Every Wednesday 1:30-3

    Rigler K-5: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2:30-4 pm

    Bridger K-5: Every 3rd Friday of the month, 1-3:30 pm

    Kelly K-5: Every Wednesday 2:30-4 pm

    Lane Middle School: Every Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm

  • Reynolds Middle School: Every Friday 4-5:30

Hours of operations

(hours change in the summer)

  • Our youth face many challenges. We work to eliminate disparities through systems change and to support our students from birth to high school graduation to foster positive cultural identity and academic success.

    Learn more about our Early Childhood Services and our Educational Access Programs.

  • We believe in the self-determination of the Latino community to solve our own problems. Our programs support the development of youth and adults to be agents of change in the community.

    Learn more about our adult leadership programs Unid@s for Oregon and Academia de Líderes, our youth leadership program and our advocacy work.

  • As many Latino families struggle with poverty, we work to strengthen whole families to move out of poverty and to promote positive cultural identity.

  • Sign up below to receive our quarterly newsletter and updates about upcoming events and other ways to support our programs.

Overview of Programs

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