Take a look back at our Ground Blessing Ceremony for La Plaza Esperanza
A large and growing Metro Area Latino community lacks access to a facility suitable to the programs Latino Network and our community partners uniquely provide. La Plaza Esperanza responds to top community priorities of the regional Latino community as expressed by all age groups:
“A place where we belong”
“A place where we are welcomed and understood”
“A place where we feel safe”
Join the Soñando Juntos capital campaign!
Our name means “dreaming together”.
With your gift, the dream of La Plaza Esperanza becomes all the more within reach.

Donate $250 or more to be recognized as an Amigo or Amiga!
All contributors of $250 or more will receive a special Soñando Juntos surprise gift.

$22.2 million raised!
$22.2 million raised!
$21,500,000 raised for La Plaza Esperanza
$700,000 raised for the Soñando Juntos Fund
The Soñando Juntos capital campaign continues to welcome new contributions. Increased support will help build the Soñando Juntos Fund. These contributions will spur program innovation at La Plaza Esperanza and respond to Latino community priorities.
Thank you for dreaming with us. Together, we are supporting a thriving Latino community.