Diverse Educators Pathway

Diverse Educators Pathway

Multnomah Diverse Educators Pathway (MDEP) Grow Your Own (GYO) is a new collaboration between MESD, Latino Network, school districts, colleges, and universities aimed at increasing racial and linguistic diversity among the licensed teaching force in Multnomah County school districts. The MDEP project aligns with the agency’s equity lens, equity initiatives, and goals to diversify the pool of teachers in Oregon by addressing systemic racism and dismantling barriers. In order to pursue the goal of becoming licensed teachers, a cohort of Latino Network staff and diverse paraeducators will be taking a fully subsidized education course at PCC.

  • Members of our communities of color interested in becoming teachers.

  • MESD

Our Values (ACCESS)

  • The key to advancement for all Latino children and youth

  • The empowerment, leadership development, and active engagement of Latinos in the decisions that affect their lives.

  • The organization and integration of Latino communities as a catalyst for equity and social change.

  • The commitment to excellence and results

  • The continued connection to our rich histories, languages, and diversity.

  • The power of multicultural, multi-generational, and cross-sector partnerships

latnet Programs

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