Community Education Workers (promotores de educación) conduct home visits for low-income families, families of color, and English language learners in Multnomah County with a focus on families who have a child under the age of six. In addition to home visits, promotores facilitate school-based, culturally responsive parent-child workshops.

Parent-child classes focused on children with ages 0-3 provide extra support and training during 20-week group sessions. Promotores facilitate these sessions in Spanish in schools throughout Multnomah County including:

  • James John Elementary

  • Early Boyles Elementary

  • Glenfair Elementary

Promotores de educación (community education workers) visit families with children with ages 0-6 in their own homes to:

  • Build positive parent-child interaction skills and support parent well-being

  • Increase access to childhood health and developmental screenings

  • Create positive connections to schools and other community agencies

  • Children ages 0-6. Live in Multnomah County

  • Oregon Equity Fund, ORCHWA, Early Learning Multnomah

Our Values (ACCESS)

  • The key to advancement for all Latino children and youth

  • The empowerment, leadership development, and active engagement of Latinos in the decisions that affect their lives.

  • The organization and integration of Latino communities as a catalyst for equity and social change.

  • The commitment to excellence and results

  • The continued connection to our rich histories, languages, and diversity.

  • The power of multicultural, multi-generational, and cross-sector partnerships

Latnet Programs

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