Our sexuality education program was created in 2015 to remove the stigma associated with teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, gender, and sexual orientation and increase conversations around health and sexuality. Our team aims to empower the latine community with knowledge, resources, tools, skills, attitudes, and values to advocate for their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Our current programs include:
• 3Rs Latnet curriculum version training: Our sexual education team offers training for facilitators working with high-school youth in the 3Rs Latnet curriculum version. This adapted version of the 3Rs is characterized by being culturally specific and medically accurate.
• OYE “Opciones y Educacion” curriculum training: OYE is a culturally specific, Spanish-language curriculum that aims to provide sexual education to Latine parents of the students currently attending our after-school program in middle and high school. Our sexual education staff offers training in this curriculum to staff working directly with parents in schools.
• My Future My Choice: Our sexual education team has expanded to provide sexual health education to middle school youth. This year, we are making culturally specific adaptations to the My Future My Choice (MFMC) curriculum. Additionally, we are training four Youth Engagement Specialists in facilitation skills and content delivery to ensure they provide comprehensive, medically accurate, inclusive, and trauma-informed sexuality education to middle school students.
For more information, please reach out to us by using the contact form below.
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latnet Programs