Call 211 or 1-866-698-6155
Text the word “children” or “ninos” to 898211
Navigate the Oregon Department of Education website
Apply for ERDC to see if you are eligible for a subsidy and financial support with child care costs
Apply for Preschool for All and enroll in free preschool if accepted. Contact Beatriz Gutierrez (Preschool for All Family Navigator) for more information and to apply. (PFA@latnet.org, (503) 847-8468)
Latino Network
Spanish language
Culturally specific for the Latinx community
Culturally specific for the Black community
Vietnamese and Russian languages
Culturally specific for the Vietnamese and Russian communities
Culturally specific for the Native community
Apply for Preschool Promise for free preschool if eligible or HeadStart Programs. Available to families who are at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Open to children who are 3 and 4 years old.
Llame 211 o 1-866-698-6155
Textear la palabra “ninos” to 898211
Navegar el sitio web del Departamento de Educación de Oregon
Aplicar para apoyo financiero o un subvención. Visita el sitio web del ERDC para verifique su elegibilidad.
Aplicar para Preschool for All. Preschool for All provee escuelita gratuita para las familias que viven en el condado de Multnomah County y tiene un niñe de 3 o 4 años. No hay requisitos de ingreso. Contacte con Beatriz para aplicar.
Beatriz Gutierrez, Navegadora Familiar De Preschool For All
Latino Network
Ofrece preescolar en español
Culturalmente específica para la comunidad latina
Culturalmente específica para la comunidad Black/afroamericana
Ofrece preescolar en vietnamita y ruso
Culturalmente específica para las comunidades vietnamita y rusa
Culturalmente específica para la comunidad indígena
Aplicar para Preschool Promise Programs. Preschool Promise está disponible para familias que están en o por debajo del 200% del nivel federal de pobreza.
Sign up for Public Alerts - https://www.publicalerts.org/%C2%A0
Map of Active Wildfires - https://gacc.nifc.gov/nwcc/information/firemap.aspx
Oregon Office of Emergency Management & Wildfire Resources
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/OEM/Pages/default.aspx
Phone: (503) 378-2911
Washington Department of Natural Resources
Website: https://www.dnr.wa.gov/Wildfires
Click here to access updated community resources for Latinx community members

Our Values (ACCESS)
The key to advancement for all Latino children and youth
The empowerment, leadership development, and active engagement of Latinos in the decisions that affect their lives.
The organization and integration of Latino communities as a catalyst for equity and social change.
The commitment to excellence and results
The continued connection to our rich histories, languages, and diversity.
The power of multicultural, multi-generational, and cross-sector partnerships
latnet Programs
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